Today, we are going to talk about an important rule of thumb if you want your print to match what you see on your screen. Aspect Ratio refers to the proportional relationship between the height and width of the image, regardless of size, output or unit of measurement. For example, a 4 in. x 4 in. print has the same aspect ratio as 10 ft. x 10 ft. banner.
Aspect ratio becomes just a little more difficult when we start working with rectangles other than squares. For instance, if you take a 4×6 print and enlarge the image to print an 8×10, you would lose two inches of the print because the two images sizes are not proportional. By using the common multiplier of “2”, (2×4=8, 2×6=12) we can determine that the appropriate size, according to proportion, would be 8×12.
Aspect ratios are usually referred to in their smallest equal ratio, similar to fractions. In the case of the 4×6, we would say that it’s a 2:3 aspect ratio, as both numbers can be divided by 2.

Below are some examples of how different aspect ratios will affect the same image.

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