This article will describe how to setup a Noritsu printer for use Darkroom Pro and AE.
Go to the Setup Tab
Select Printer Options
Select All Supported Printers
Double-click NORITSU 2901/3001/3011/3101/31PRO/3201/DDP-411 (NETORDER)
In the OPTIONS tab, check the box to ENABLE NORITSU QSS DRIVER For the PRINTER IP ADRESS:, type in the IP address of your Noritsu (NetOrder) Printer or click the TEST button (The TEST button will
automatically place the IP address of the Noritsu Printer as long as the printer is in NetOrder mode) NOTE: The Noritsu Console must be a part of the same Domain/Workgroup of the ExpressDigital computer.
Now, select the ROLL-SIZES tab Create NEW or EDIT your desired ROLL WIDTHS:
Click NEW… or EDIT…
Select your ROLL WIDTH
Select MEDIA (If you have multiple roll sizes with different media, you will have to create a separate roll with each Media)
For ARRANGEMENTS ALLOWED:, place a check in the box AUTOMATICALLY SELECT SIZES or uncheck the box to manually select sizes.
If you choose to manually select sizes click the Edit Arrangements… button. Place a check in the sizes you wish to allow and uncheck all the sizes you do not wish to allow.
Click OK to return to the ROLL SETUP box
Click OK to return to the NORITSU PRINTER SETUP box
After all rolls have been created, select the appropriate MEDIA RULE: The MEDIA RULE is global. Meaning it is applied to all roll sizes.
IGNORE MEDIA DESCRIPTION (ACCEPT ALL PRINTS) – means that no matter what media is selected for that roll, we will print to it.
USE MEDIA DESCRIPTION (ACCEPT MATCHING PRINTS ONLY) – if one of the media types match any of the ones listed for that roll, then we will print to it. For instance, a print request for GLOSSY will print to a roll that has a media of GLOSSY, PREMIUM, since Glossy is one of the two media types set for this roll USE MEDIA DESCRIPTION (ACCEPT EXACT MATCHES ONLY) – we will only print to the roll only if the media exactly matches the roll. For instance, a print request for GLOSSY, PREMIUM will only print to a roll that has a 1/2 media of GLOSSY, PREMIUM. A print request for GLOSSY will not print to a roll that has a media of GLOSSY, PREMIUM.
Last, you will need to set up your surfaces. To setup surfaces, select the SURFACES tab You have the option to set up four surfaces:
The surface number correlates to surface number set on the physical roll in the NORITSU (NETORDER) PRINTER. For example, if the physical roll is set to surface 1 and that surface is glossy, you will enter GLOSSY as SURFACE 1 in the NORITSU PRINTER SETUP. If the physical roll is set to surface 3 and that surface is matte, you will enter MATTE as SURFACE 3 in the NORITSU PRINTER SETUP.
If you do not know what surface is set in the printer, but you know that Magazine A is glossy, then select the OPTIONS tab. Here, the PAPER MAGAZINE will display the surface number. Enter GLOSSY to the corresponding SURFACE # in the SURFACES tab.
To recap, there are three tabs that need to be set up in order to start printing to your NORITSU (NETORDER) PRINTER: OPTIONS, ROLL-SIZES AND SURFACES. A MEDIA RULE is global and applies to all ROLL WIDTHS. If you forget to set up one tab, you will have difficulties printing to your NORITSU (NETORDER) PRINTER.
my Noritsu 3704 is compaling paper setup not executed and also printing green