Howdy Darkroom Booth Users,
Did you know that you could set a slideshow to display in between sessions using attract mode? Of course you did, but you use a secondary screen for your slideshow because you are the cat’s meow and bee’s knees. For those that didn’t know, well now you do. ?
Slideshows are cool but today we are here to talk about adding a video to attract mode. There are a bunch of different options depending on your ability. You can record a good looking friend Saying “step right up! or “I see you cutie. Get it this photobooth”. If you don’t have a good looking friend a funny looking one will do.
If that is a little too gimmicky for you, You can always use an online jpg to mp4 converter to save your company logo as a video file or if you do weddings you can use an engagement photo. You know, keep it simple, Keep it classy. Don’t forget to add the text “Touch the screen to begin.” Otherwise, the user will enter the booth and just stare at the screen until you help them.
Here are a couple attract mode videos that you can test and play with to see if this option is right for you. Sample1 Sample2
Here is a simple guide to help you add your awesome new creation to Attract Mode.