Here at Darkroom Software, we are always working to meet the needs of our customers. There are a lot of options for photo booth software in the market and Darkroom prides itself in providing you with features that your customers want.
We have received numerous requests to add support for more filters in Darkroom Booth; instead of simply adding a limited number of filters, we have decided to add support for Photoshop® Droplets. The addition of Photoshop Droplets opens up infinite possibilities for filters and effects added to your Booth sessions. Whether you want to cartoonify, pop artify, beautify, or any other –fy you can think of, Droplets allow you to do this. You can download the newest version of Darkroom Booth here.
Check out these examples of Photoshop Droplets in Booth:
For instructions on how to use Droplets, click here.
To utilize this feature in Darkroom Booth, you must have access to Adobe® Photoshop and will need to have the desired Droplet or Action downloaded. To execute Droplets and Actions, Photoshop will need to run in the background. You may need to add commands to the Action to flatten, save, and close the image if it is not currently part of the Action. Some Droplets and Actions can be very complex and may add significant time to processing the final image, please consider this when utilizing in your booth. It is highly recommended that you are running Booth on a computer that meets the minimum specifications as outlined on our website.