Welcome to the Darkroom Software Photographers Blog
Burstslide Animated GIF with Darkroom Booth 3
The burst mode in Darkroom Booth 3 captures a short video to produce a Boomerang style video which can also be output as an animated GIF. Combine Burst mode with a camera slider to take the effect even further (see more samples below). There are many different types...
A Wise Idea- Screen Templates Across Multiple Displays
Howdy Photo Booth Friends, Here is an example of how to span your screen template across multiple displays, a brand new option in Booth 3.0. In this case I used 2 horizontal 1080×1920 monitors stacked. This would also work the same way if you wanted to have your...
Slow Motion with Darkroom Booth
Darkroom Booth makes it easy for you to add slow motion videos to your customer’s booth experience. For best results, we recommend videos to be shot at least 60 frames per second with adequate lighting. Our examples in the video were produced using a Canon T6i SLR...
A Wise Idea – Get the most out of PBX
Are you looking to up your game at Photo Booth Expo? Wally Carnes and Bill Vahrenkamp are teaching some advanced premium classes with limited seating. This is a very special opportunity to learn from two masters of the game! Find out more below and get your seat...
Things to Keep in Mind When You Need Tech Support
Sooner or later you may find yourself in need of tech support and if you do here are a few tips to make that process go smoother.First, go to the source. No one knows your software better than the people who made it. Facebook is great if you have a question on how to...
A Wise Idea – 6 Reasons why I use manual focus for my booth
The subjects are all standing in the same place.Because the subjects should all be standing in generally the same place and the camera does not move there should be no need to refocus. Using F11 should achieve a few feet of good focus. The further the point of focus...
A Wise Idea- Think Outside the Strip
Did you know… You can change the size of your print by clicking the “Print Photo” drop-down menu button. Offering other print sizes sets you apart from your competition. This is also a great way to up-sell and customize those extra special events. The best part is...
Create a Mirror Photo Booth with Darkroom Booth
Many Darkroom Booth users have asked if Booth photo booth software can be used for a Mirror booth and the answer is yes and it isn’t hard at all. As you will see, the hardest part is coming up with the graphic elements. Here is a demonstration of video graphics...
How to create Boomerang-style Animated GIFs with Darkroom Booth
Creating a Boomerang-style animated gif with Darkroom Booth is easy and doesn’t require any special templates or add on software. Simply create a regular GIF and add a template for each photo in order such that they play forward and then in reverse. That way the GIF...
Troubleshooting Tips for Darkroom Booth
This PDF contains some of the most often troubleshooting tips for Darkroom Booth photo booth software shared by the Darkroom support team. Click here to download Darkroom Booth Troubleshooting Tips
Photo Booth Cables, Connectors and Hubs oh my!
In this video Wally Carnes, Darkroom Software operations manager, demonstrates cables, connectors and USB hubs for event and photo booth printers, DSLR cameras, computers and tablets. He explains the different types of USB and video cables available and why it is...
A Wise Idea – No LiveView, No Problem
Did you know…If you do not add a live-view to a screen template, Darkroom Booth will automatically use the next available photo object as the live-view. This is really helpful when you need the live-view to move throughout your screen template. This is also helpful if...
Level Up Your Booth Presentations: Style Your Dynamic Tex
Did you know… You can style the dynamic text that shows up in the text tab by using the “Insert Special Text” button. By “Style” we are referring to font type, size, color, opacity, along with many other options. You can set your countdown to be 300 points and 50%...
10 Things You Don’t Know About Darkroom Booth
Darkroom Booth software is deep and truly gives you the freedom to do just about anything with your photo booth experience. All while maintaining simplicity. We are amazed every day at the cool things some of our customers are doing. And hardly a day goes by when we...
Top 5 Reasons to Keep Your Photo Booth Software up to Date
Keeping your photo booth software up to date is important for several reasons. Here are a few of the more important reasons… 1. Support for the latest cameras, printers, computers and operating systems. By keeping your photo booth software up to date you are ensuring...
Photo Booth Video Prompts with Darkroom
With Darkroom Booth 2 you can replace text instructions with video prompts. In this example we used a dancing Santa video with a transparent alpha channel overlaid on a screen shot of the screen display. After adding an appropriate voiceover with instructions we added...
New Webinar: Photo Booth Troubleshooting Basics
This webinar will cover basic photo booth troubleshooting procedures and techniques. Thursday December 3, 2015, 11am – 12pm CST Topics to be covered include: • Printer connectivity and settings• Basic software troubleshooting• Lighting issues• Camera connectivity and...
Next Webinar: Darkroom Booth Template Design Basics
Post to “Anywhere” with Darkroom Booth and Dropbox
Use an Automator to Post to “Anywhere” Flickr, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, the list goes on and the requests from your clients get trickier and seem to change by the week! Unlock the social potential of your photo booth with Darkroom Booth photo booth...
Phidget for Darkroom Booth
One of the new additions to Darkroom Booth 2 is Phidget control. Phidgets are “Products for USB Sensing and Control”. Huh? Phidgets is a company that makes little boards that can connect to your computer with a USB cable. On the other end of the board, you can plug in...