by Eric Woodchek | Apr 7, 2017 | A Wise Idea Archives, Booth, Darkroom Booth Archives, How To, News & Updates Archives
Howdy Photo Booth Friends, Here is an example of how to span your screen template across multiple displays, a brand new option in Booth 3.0. In this case I used 2 horizontal 1080×1920 monitors stacked. This would also work the same way if you wanted to have your...
by Eric Woodchek | Mar 7, 2017 | Booth, Darkroom Booth Archives, How To, News & Updates Archives
Darkroom Booth makes it easy for you to add slow motion videos to your customer’s booth experience. For best results, we recommend videos to be shot at least 60 frames per second with adequate lighting. Our examples in the video were produced using a Canon T6i SLR...
by Eric Woodchek | Mar 6, 2017 | A Wise Idea Archives, Booth, Darkroom Booth Archives, Green Screen Photography, How To, News & Updates Archives, Press Release, Special Announcements
Are you looking to up your game at Photo Booth Expo? Wally Carnes and Bill Vahrenkamp are teaching some advanced premium classes with limited seating. This is a very special opportunity to learn from two masters of the game! Find out more below and get your seat...
by Eric Woodchek | Dec 6, 2016 | A Wise Idea Archives, Booth, Darkroom Booth Archives, How To, News & Updates Archives
The subjects are all standing in the same place.Because the subjects should all be standing in generally the same place and the camera does not move there should be no need to refocus. Using F11 should achieve a few feet of good focus. The further the point of focus...
by Eric Woodchek | Nov 22, 2016 | A Wise Idea Archives, Booth, Darkroom Booth Archives, How To, News & Updates Archives, Templates, Troubleshooting
Did you know… You can change the size of your print by clicking the “Print Photo” drop-down menu button. Offering other print sizes sets you apart from your competition. This is also a great way to up-sell and customize those extra special events. The best part is...
by Eric Woodchek | Nov 15, 2016 | Booth, How To
Many Darkroom Booth users have asked if Booth photo booth software can be used for a Mirror booth and the answer is yes and it isn’t hard at all. As you will see, the hardest part is coming up with the graphic elements. Here is a demonstration of video graphics...