by Eric Woodchek | Sep 25, 2015 | Booth, How To
Use an Automator to Post to “Anywhere” Flickr, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, the list goes on and the requests from your clients get trickier and seem to change by the week! Unlock the social potential of your photo booth with Darkroom Booth photo booth...
by Eric Woodchek | Apr 22, 2015 | Booth, How To
One of the new additions to Darkroom Booth 2 is Phidget control. Phidgets are “Products for USB Sensing and Control”. Huh? Phidgets is a company that makes little boards that can connect to your computer with a USB cable. On the other end of the board, you can plug in...
by Eric Woodchek | Dec 15, 2014 | Booth, Green Screen Photography, How To, News & Updates Archives
The key to great results with Chroma-key backgrounds is good, consistent lighting. The examples below illustrate different lighting and exposures and the results. All of these images were processed with the default settings in Darkroom Booth photo booth software. The...
by Eric Woodchek | Sep 24, 2013 | Booth, Darkroom Booth Archives, How To
Building your own photo booth? Based on experience from building my own photo booths and helping Darkroom customers as well, here are some things to consider when looking at hardware options. Camera Most first time photo booth builders go for the least expensive...
by Eric Woodchek | Jul 15, 2013 | Booth, How To
There are 2 ways to use arcade buttons with Darkroom Booth. One is to use a USB mouse and take it apart and replace the original mouse buttons with arcade buttons. This will require some minor soldering but is not complex. You can use an inexpensive mouse that can be...