Welcome to the Darkroom Software Photographers Blog
Agfa D-Lab Repro mode
If you have your bleed scale set to 0% in Darkroom but the images are still being scaled up when printing to the AGFA D-Lab. Repro Mode determines if any adjustments will be made by the printer after the Darkroom software releases the prints to be printed. If Repro...
Enabling USB barcode scanners in Darkroom Software
This article contains an attachment that provides bar codes that must be scanned before using a USB Barcode Scanner with Darkroom software. To use a USB barcode scanner which emulates a standardkeyboard, you must configure the scanner to transmit an STX (ASCII 02H)...
Troubleshooting Kodak DLS Printer Settings
This article contains troubleshooting information for the Kodak DLS software and setup. There are several options to try if you your Kodak DLS in not functioning. Try the following workarounds to fix the problem. 1. VERIFY THAT THE KODAK MONITORING SOFTWARE IS...
Limits of free email providers
If you are planning to take advantage of Darkroom photo email feature at your next event some research and planning will make that event go much smoother. The number of emails and the size of attachments you are allowed to send can vary especially with the free...
Darkroom Software: Fix “Last Import Folder” Error
Most likely the last folder you imported from no longer exists on your computer or it has a character in the folder name that Darkroom is unable to read properly so when you hit add photo and software tries to access the last location you imported from it cannot. To...
Why is Darkroom starting up in “Evaluation Mode”?
Darkroom Core, Professional, and Assembly products require a software protection key in order to run in full mode. These keys are essential when running the software. The Darkroom applications will load to Evaluation mode if the software protection key is not...
Why does Darkroom send all prints to just one printer
This article contains information on why Darkroom Pro, Assembly, Core sends all prints to just one printer, even though the software has multiple printers setup. Cause Printers have a built in maximum number of copies that they can accept. With some printers this...
Nikon .TIF files are not working
This article contains information on Nikon .TIF files being used in ExpressDigital Darkroom Core, Professional and Assembly. The imported Nikon .TIF file appears as a blank or black thumbnail within the software. The image cannot be viewed. ExpressDigital software...
How to Fix “The Microsoft DAO Engine is not installed
This article explains what to do when you receive the following error message, “The Microsoft DAO Engine is not installed on your machine. You may have problems accessing reports.” Cause Another application or service has been installed or some other event occurred...
Darkroom crashes when removing a catalog from a client computer
This article describes the steps necessary to rebuild the catalog index on the server computer when a client crashes upon removing a catalog. 1. Close the Darkroom software on all clients. 2. Rebuild the catalog index file on the server computer by hitting the “ctrl +...
Rebuilding the Border Group index
Darkroom uses an index file to keep track of the location of the .bdr files which comprise the groups in the templates section of the products and services module in Darkroom. If this file becomes corrupt, gets deleted, or is replaced it is possible to instruct...
Missing Photo Workshop Guides? Easy Reinstall!
This article contains information on reinstalling the Photo Workshop guides to your Darkroom software if they do not show up as an option in the Photo Workshop. When the Photos folder (the X: drive) has been redirected to a different location, the guide files may not...
Fix Darkroom Barcode Scanner Issues (8.7 or Earlier)
This article contains troubleshooting tips for using the bar code scanner in Darkroom software 8.7 or earlier. There are several things to check if the bar code reader is not working correctly with your Darkroom software. Below are five common things to look out for...
Stop Photo Pop-Up When Tethering Fuji S5 with Darkroom 8.9
This article contains information on stopping the new photo pop up screen when shooting tethered Darkroom Pro or AE 8.9 and a Fuji S5. ***IMPORTANT NOTICE*** This article contains information about modifying the registry. Before you modify the registry, make sure to...
Printing 3.5×5 Photos on Sony UPDR100: 2 Easy Methods
This article describes two methods for printing 3½x5 prints using the Sony UPDR100. Method 1 Use 5×7 inksheet, in the Sony UPDR100 setup in our app, check the checkbox for Cut 3.5×5 prints when using 5×7 media. If you do that and you print the 2-3.5×5’s on a 5×7 print...
Enabling back print information for the Konica R1
The Konica R1 can be configured to accept back print information sent from Express Digital. SYMPTOMSThe Konica R1 is ignoring back print informationREQUIREMENTSExpressDigital Darkroom Assembly or Professional Edition and Konica R1 software version 1.20 or later....
Events and images show but not data in Assembly Edition
Symptoms: Darkroom AE field station connects to base and can see Events and images. However, none of the student data shows up. Explanation: DRAE and PRO use standard Windows file sharing to access the events and images so those work as long as the folder is shared...
Disable messages set to Darkroom from Net Order Printers
The noritsu net order printers include a functionality that allows the printer to relay any messages such as “door ajar!” etc. for display in your Darkroom software. It is possible to disable this ifnecessary. There are any number of reasons that you may want to...
Sharing color corrections in a network environment
Color changes made to a photo on your station cannot be viewed by networked stations so other stations may color correct photos you’ve already spent time editing. A change to the registry add this feature. The software creates .ffd files in C:Program Files/Common...
Information Regarding Personal Firewall Software
A personal firewall is a gatekeeper to the Internet. For the purpose of security, it either grants or denies Internet access, depending on how it is configured. Most personal firewalls will deny access to any program, and each new version of any program, unless you...